Greetings Neighbors,
At the Gratitude Feast two weeks ago we invited everyone in attendance to sit quietly for a few minutes, with a pen and index card. The prompt, “What are you grateful for?” Annie transcribed the many responses into a contour map / serpent / river system. Here’s one closeup image from her exquisite painting.
We look forward to seeing you at the Farm for one of these upcoming events:
Farm Frolic Sundays 3-6pm. Every non-Feast Sunday (7/21 & 7/28) we invite anyone who is grateful and willing for any reason to help us tend the gardens and kitchen that make the Feasts possible. We’d love if you’d consider marking one of those days on your calendar and coming to join us! The Farm has no paid staff—only neighborly hands and hearts. Frolic Supper at 6pm consists of a main dish from the Farm served alongside anything you bring to share.
Barn Choir Practice Tuesdays at 5:30pm. Followed by a simple potluck supper.
August Gratitude Feast: Sunday 8/4 at 3:30pm. A hearty meal of Farm food served family style, followed by an old-fashioned Barn dance. We could use a couple more dessert bakers—to volunteer contact Barb at 518.339.4006. The event is offered as a gift to anyone who is hungry for any reason.
With thanks,
Adam and the extended Sand River family.